Saturday 28 March 2020

Indoor Activities

26 - 28 March 2020

The long-awaited day-long downpour finally arrived, filling our water storage almost to the top.  Hurrah!  Time to find things to do inside the house.

 I decided to sew some face masks from cotton scraps, just in case we need them, for whatever protection they can give.  Dave was a bit disturbed to find his had been lined with old underpants - very well laundered, I assured him.  Most of my fabric scraps are flowery, I thought he'd prefer navy blue.

 Dave and I took to peeling onions, as part of our pickling and preserving drive:

 sauerkraut, eggs and onions.

 Meanwhile, in the pond - Goldie the gold-tail is very pregnant, and was spotted resting between bouts of frantic chasing by the males.

 And our first tadpoles have reached a reasonable size.

 I spent a day painting a picture of our apricot blossom to put on a card to send to my pregnant daughter-in-law, but then found the Post Office so overwhelmed with packages to be distributed they refused to sell me a stamp!  'Go away till April' said the harassed solo postman.

This is our surprising 'perennial' cabbage.  It happened by accident.  The original cabbage was cut, and we left the root in to rot down in situ, but it didn't.  Instead, it has sprouted a number of little heads, none amounting to much, but the small leaves are lovely in a sweated, spiced greens recipe.

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