Saturday 28 March 2020

Dave's Socially Distanced Birthday

16 - 17 March 2020

Under the new virus-beating rules, we are meant to keep between one and three metres from other people (depending on which country you are in).  This is a challenge on a birthday, but we followed the rules.

 Day before the birthday, the garden yielded up our first cauliflower - and what a beauty she is!

 Restocking the log store.  For the record, this is how long the first fill-up in November lasted.

 Just in case: four pots of chicken soup in the freezer.  If we both get ill at once, we will need sustaining broth easily to hand.

A real birthday present - the long-hoped for toadspawn appears overnight.  
Rather lovely, in sparkly birthday water!

  Lots of it, in a tangled web.

 I wonder why this happens: here are two spinach plants, that came from the same batch at the garden centre, and looked identical when planted.  However, the top one is now flourishing, and the lower one is stunted, yellow and miserable.  This is at the end of a row of flourishing spinach, so it is not proximity.  It can't be variations in the soil, surely?

To celebrate the birthday, we cycled to Robbie and Sue's new patch of land, about half a kilometre from us, and observed social distancing while sharing some ciders - and watched Robbie planting an hibiscus.

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