Tuesday 31 March 2020

Filling the Heart Bed

30 March 2020

We have been moving soil from the spoil heap of earth in front of the house, round to the heart-shaped bed at the kitchen door.  It's been a long job, as the earth is clayey and sticks to whatever implement you try to move it with.  But finally, we got the job done.

 The heart bed, filled as full as we could manage of 'claggy' soil.

Dave hard at work shovelling.

All ready for our Art Group challenge - one drawing a day for 14 days.  Something to do at tea-breaks, so will keep sketchbook handy.

 A typical plate of salad leaves for lunch from the garden.  Up to six types of leaf: parsley, spinach, beetroot, young cabbage, kale, and 'selenos' a type of minature celery that I've only found in Greece. All very delicious and zinging with vitamins and minerals.

Top dressing: onto the soil we put a bag of manure, then a bag of shop-bought compost, and then several barrows of our own compost.  Just add seeds and water (and hope the mice and birds stay away!) and we should have a crop in here before long.

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