Friday 30 August 2019

Work on the terrace

28 August 2019

Rowan finally has a bit of time to come over in the evening, so we start work on the terrace.  I dismantled a couple of boards to increase the amount of gravel packing underneath.  It had been packed up to the level of the foundation while I was away earlier in the summer, but there was a further 10cm rise to level it with the kitchen floor which was unfilled.  10cm of cosy underfloor wasp and mouse habitat right outside the kitchen door - not appealing!  Also, if you dropped a mobile phone and it slid through the gaps between boards, you'd want it not to fall very far, I reckoned, as deconstruction will be difficult once the stairs and bannisters are built.

So, Dave and I pickaxed out some more of the lime outflow from years of cleaning the mixer and broke it into little chunks to fill the spaces, topped up with fresh gravel.  Meanwhile, Rowan made up a small amount of concrete to make a little pad for the terrace steps to stand on.

Nice to have started work on something, even if the temperature hasn't fallen at all yet.

 Before deconstruction

 With two rows filled in

 Rowan frames out the step base

 The new concrete pad is made - no cat paw-prints in it yet, either.

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