Saturday 21 September 2019

Terrace Waterworks

31 Aug/1 Sept 2019

Before the terrace is sealed back up, we need to make sure there is adequate access to the water pipes that come through the house.  We already have a cold feed to the garden stand-pipe, but at present we have to trail hoses all over the place to get water to the chickens and to wash the solar panels.  So we put a T junction into the pipe and ran a new spur out towards the chickens.  There is also a hot feed, in case we install a field kitchen, so that was rescued, too.

 On the left, the new stand-pipe near the chickens, compost and access to the solar panels.  We should have done this years ago!

Plumbing all done, now it just needs to be back-filled with gravel and the boards replaced.

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