Tuesday 24 September 2019

New tanks, new steps

11 - 13 September 2019

We ordered two big (2,000 litre) tanks for rainwater collection off the north face of the roof, and were very surprised to come back from Lefkada one day to find them installed.  Very neat.

While out, we picked up our child-safety haul from the post office: stair gate, high chair, and car seat.  Phew!  We're going to need a lot of grandchildren to visit to justify this lot.

 The two big tanks in position - we've no idea how easy or difficult this was to achieve, as we were out when they arrived.  Lucky that this was where we wanted them, actually!

 Work on the top terrace continues.

 We clear away the overgrown, exhausted tomato plants, and put in some winter cabbages.  The clearance means that the self-seeded rocket can thrive, so salads will be enhanced now.

 The top terrace, and skeleton step are constructed.  

We decide to build the kitchen door steps out of brick, to be clad in stone to match the house.  When I was building the masonry wall around the house, we expected to continue on round the proposed utility room foundation.  Then we found out the utility room hadn't been included in the permit, and that the area was so nice in the morning sun in winter that we preferred a terrace.  However, the wall was left in a way to make it easy to continue with stone, and it has looked ugly ever since.  This is the chance to make it all neat and finished.

 The framework in place

 Plaka arranged for the top of the steps - but it was too late to fit it, and then we ran out of time, so it will have to wait now.

The steps will do as they are for now, as it's a big job to tie it all in to the house aesthetic, and guests are arriving soon.  We don't want it to be only partly done when there's a toddler and their paraphernalia around.

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