Friday 30 August 2019

Garden Update, more

More of the trees that are hanging on in our garden, the hoped for 'canopy' layer of our forest garden-to-be ...

 But, problems in Eden!  The internet identified these as Scale Bug, infesting the mimosa.  I treated it with diatomaceous earth and scraped all the bugs off, and the tree has been doing better since.

 After the bugs were removed, the mimosa looking happier

 This is the unhappiest of the five robinias.  It was too far from the hose for a long time, and has only just held on.  Recent watering is encouraging new shoots to appear.

 The pomegranate that never does anything except produce and drop a few flowers every spring.  Needs feeding and tidying.

 A very unhappy lime tree.  Not comfortable in the heat.  But responding to our new watering regime.

 The centre robinia, a bit happier.

 This is the other lime tree, slightly more comfortable than its sister, and seems well established now.  Planted for its edible leaves - useful in salad.

 This scruffy little bush is locally known as 'Monkspepper', and officially as Chaste Tree, apparently the peppery seeds which can be used in seasoning have a depressive effect on male libidos, which explains the names.

 One of the reborn moringas - sprouting from last year's roots.  This one has now reached two metres high, but is not very bushy.

 Robinia 5
Dave's citrus - the one we look after best (it gets pee'd on from time to time).  Good growth, currently no fruit.

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