Friday 30 August 2019

Garden Update continued

A review of where we are now in the garden, continued from the last post

 A view of the self-seeded, probably apple, trees in the hugel bed, with the wonderful vast robinia in the background - definitely our star tree!
 A close-up of the actual three (crab) apples that showed up this year.  We are encouraging these self-seeded tree starts as we are hoping to be able to graft onto their root stock when a bit more established.

 This is the actual purchased apple tree - it is doing very poorly indeed.  We will move it this winter, as we need to landscape and terrace the bank behind it.

 This was a gift, we think it is a flowering cherry, which may mean it will never fruit, which would be a pity; but it will be good for bees even so.

 One of the hazel trees, which are doing better than expected in the heat.  I think they like being by the oak hedgerow.  Some baby catkins are showing - at the wrong time of year.

This is the kalamata olive, which we bought to provide big fat eating olives.  Not one has shown up yet.

 The citrus nearest the kalamata.  No fruits, but looking healthy-ish.

 The 'unreachable' citrus, for a while too far from the hose to get much water, although we've fixed that now.  Surprisingly, it is the one with a few little fruits on it.  We've forgotten which citrus is what, but these look like satsumas (Ready for Christmas?  All four of them).

 The third and fourth citruses - not looking too good.

 This is the standard olive tree that we planted, it is flourishing, and has a good crop of baby olives, which will hopefully make it to maturity in December.

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