Friday 30 August 2019

Electric car points

2 August 2019

We heard on the grapevine (well, the internet really, but grapevine sounds more romantic) that there were some new car charging points at the marina in Preveza.  So we decided to have an outing to discover them and find out a bit more.  Unfortunately we forgot to factor in travel over the bridge and past the airport on a Sunday in August.  It took some time to get there.

However, it was worth it.  We tracked them down, and then went into the office to find out more.  They are not yet ready to be used, mainly because no-one knows quite how much to charge for a charge.  But if we wanted to use one, the manager told us, we could email ahead and something would be arranged.  A bit more infrastructure, and in quite a useful location for us.

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