Monday 27 February 2017

Planting strawberries

10 Feb 2017

I had no idea strawberries could go in so early.  But the garden centre said they'd be fine, as long as they were well drained, so I thought they could go on the new little hugel bed by the olive tree.

 So this is that bed, all prepared, but needing to be mulched.  The four little strawberry plants are in the foreground, and there are four new artichokes behind them.  The cat is sticking his head in a spiky asparagus plant, for some reason!

 Meanwhile, on the main hugel beds (see below) there are signs of life.  As we have so much mulching to do, and limited time, I can't see us getting any woodchip on these beds before the weeds take over.  So instead, I thought I'd try a green manure and threw a load of buckwheat seeds over them.  They've started poking up - lovely little red stems.

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