Monday 27 February 2017

Going Boaty

1 - 4 February 2017

Having neglected our poor boat for the last few years, we had to get her hauled into a boatyard for some attention this year. She will be launched again when the charteryachts go in, so we only have until the end of March, approximately, to get everything done.  So the house is mostly on hold - except on rainy days, and the boat gets lots of attention for February and March.

 Day one: Feb 1st, Dave squished into the locker under the sink in the heads, renewing seacocks.

 We brought home the battered floorboards, for sanding down and new varnish

 Then it rained, so this interior wall between the front door and the living room started to fill up with laths

 And this wall between the stairs and the studio - destined to be the 'library', got tidied up and the diagonal laths installed.  We're all out of wood now, but all the remaining bits to do are straight-sided, so we can measure lengths and get them cut at the woodyard, to cut down on sawdust in the house. Phew!

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