Monday 27 February 2017

Birthday outing

17 February 2017

My birthday.  As money is virtually non-existant this month, we are celebrating by taking a walk to explore a new location.  We have been told there is an ancient oak wood on Lefkada, and so we set out on an explore.  We think we found it.  The weather was overcast, so the potentially fabulous views were a bit misty, but the trees were wonderful.

 Looking down over the channel between us and the mainland

 Wonderful old oak tree

 Dave and a tree

 Me and another tree

When we got back, I insisted we colour in my birthday pressie: new gardening gloves - hurrah!  Dave did one and I did the other.  Dave's has a little robin on the thumb, which is brilliant, because there is a robin in our garden who often watches what I'm up to.

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