Monday 27 February 2017

Collecting leaves

26 Feb 2017

We spent the last week mostly on the boat, but there was also the funeral of a good friend, Sue, who's husband Mike died only a year ago. 

We still have Rosa's music school at the house on a Tuesday, so we don't go to the boatyard on Tuesdays.  The choir became homeless this month, so we offered use of our living room to Rosa for practice on Thursdays, so we'll see how that goes.  And we have restarted Greek school on a Saturday evening.  We are now trading lessons with Lin: she teaches us Greek, and we each teach 16 yr old Jade: me English, and Dave guitar.

We are also being tormented by local hunters.  They dress up in camouflage fatigues, carry big shotguns, and shoot blackbirds.  At weekends it sounds like war has broken out, and we are a little fearful about wandering round our garden, in case we look like fluttering in the hedgerows.  It is a menace, and a great disturbance of our peace.  We have been to the police, and it is illegal within 500 metres of houses, but we would have to call the police out each time, and by the time they get here there may be no activity, and the next day it would be someone else.  We are trying to think what we can do.  The season will be over soon, but they will be back next year.

On Sunday, we went up to the waterfalls in search of fallen leaves.  There are many giant plane trees at the car park, and the leaves fall on gravel, where they won't benefit the trees, so we scoop up the leaves and bring them back for our eventual use as mulch or compost.

 Dave by the river, in spate at this time of year,

and looking upstream. 
 I liked this photo and have put it on my phone as wallpaper.

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