Sunday 28 October 2012

Wild winds

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Dave got a call from Chris Brown to say one of the boats Dave looks after was in trouble on the quay, so we went along to see.   The pontoon it was on, at the north end of the quay, had drifted significantly sideways, so Dave tightened the anchor and we waited in Elite to see if IBA had it in hand.  They had just taken the boat away when the storm hit with a vengeance.  I kept taking photos to try and get a shot of the wild lightning, but kept just missing it. 

 The little pontoon, showing how far it has drifted, with a hopeful yacht and a little motor boat still clinging on.

 The clouds gathering over the quay

 Sudden squall as the ferry heads for Meganissey in a grey world

 Someone coming in from the cold, very glad to be home, I expect.

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