Monday 19 March 2012

Do-It-Yourself Surveying

Sunday 18 March 2012

We told Constantine that the ground had been levelled (apart from a little, as Gerasimos described it, 'anomal' - said in a Greek accent, please), and he sent back a text saying – can you mark the outside edges of the foundations then, please.  Eeek.   A little hungover from the birthday, we got out the tape measure – many thanks, Richie, a great birthday present (especially since you cut the last one in two at 4.7 metres!) and started working it all out.

Finally, a good use for Pythagorus’ Theorem.  You can check two lines cross at right angles by measuring a triangle where the right angle sides measure 3,and 4 metres.  If the hypotenuse is 5 metres, then the sides are at right angles – 3 cheers for Pythagorus!

We were just getting stuck into it, and wondering how to record this significant moment, when Tina and Shrimpy arrived to claim their rotovator that we’re looking after.  Tina took some photos of us at work.

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