Monday 5 March 2012

Creature Comforts

Saturday 3 March 2012

Those of you of a tender-hearted disposition may have been worrying about our outdoor cats in this frosty weather.  (It hadn't crossed your minds?  How callous you are!)  They have been snuggled up on the sofa under the remains of our shredded awning, in this little nest I made for them out of some polystyrene packaging that came with the cooker, wired to the bamboo frame of the sofa.  All the rescued cushions from the Biblos are piled up on top, so they can be very snug when they want.  The little dark hole is the entrance, they've even chewed out a bit of the polystyrene to make it a bit bigger - they come out with polystyrene balls clinging with static to their fur, it drives them mad.

They've taken to playing on the awning, and racing up and down the christmas lights tree.

We have our creature comforts too - as soon as the sun comes out we let the warmth soak into our damp and chilled bones.  Here's Dave supervising the electricity collecting process.

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