Tuesday 17 January 2012


In amongst all the excitement of the build, I have been getting on with writing this year.  So far, I've been doing very well with updating this blog regularly, and hope that I can coax back some of my readers who were disappointed by the long gaps last year.

The worst gaps happened when I was working on my novel during November and December - it's an intense process that, for me, benefits from total immersion: writing time is for the novel.  This month I've returned to doing some competition entering, mostly short stories for Writing Magazine and Writer's News.  It is good practice, allows time for blogging, and has potential for feedback.  I was very heartened to find my second attempt at a short story (submitted in August 2011) 'shortlisted to final judging stage' (ie. among the top ten) in Writer's News, January 2012 edition.  It's a good feeling, and hopefully I can build on it.

I thought I would attach the story to this blog, for those of you who are interested.  It is on the Page (see top right of blog screen) titled 'My Writing'.  I've put in a note about the brief, and my approach.  Anyway, it's there if you want to take a look.

By the way, I do like to get comments on my blog pages, it helps to know people are out there.  I'm rather shy of commenting publicly myself, so I completely understand, but if you want to burble something, it would be much appreciated.

And hey, this is day three with no generator!  No water in the morning either - frozen again.  It hit minus 3.5 last night at 4:30 when I very reluctantly went out to pee.  We changed the gas, heating is better than parsimony just at the moment.  The sun is shining, and I'm hoping to get a warm shower by mid-afternoon.  This life makes us very aware of the value of our resources - water, sunlight, electricity, gas - and very grateful.

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