Sunday 17 April 2011

Preparing for Bobstock

Thursday afternoon, 7 April 2011

We had an early dart on Thursday afternoon, and met up with the band at Goat Bottom, to review the logistics.  This involved a lot of standing around deciding where lights and power leads should go (the lads) and frantic clearing away of wood and other clutter from the decking (me).
Rob and Dean, meanwhile, had scrumped some plywood and were making a toilet surround for a simple earth closet at the foot of the field.

I'm not sure where that plywood came from, but I hope the Nidri Star wasn't planning to reuse it ...
The other earth closet was even simpler.  Vince had used the tree from the Panto set, and installed this comfortable seating arrangement (over a hole in the ground).  A little exposed, but handy in an emergency.
Working out how to deaden the generator sound using big pieces of yacht foam (still with 'Bavaria Yachts' printed on them).
The first visitors:  Neil with his son, Ben, laughing at Tina avoiding the camera.  They'd turned up early to pick a good spot for Ben's tent - just visible in the background.
I wrote some signs to help the madding crowds find our remote location - modelled here by Vinnie and Dave.
The view from the bottom of the field.  Bobstock, you will have realised, is a tribute to Woodstock, another great open-air live music event.
Dean, demonstrating the structural integrity of the new toilet.  It uses the old chemical toilet surround from the Camper Truck, but is located over a hole in the ground.
Six o'clock, and Patrick turned up for his lesson with Dave.  Lilias and Helen arrived too.  We sat round chatting, while I painted flowers on my jeans and tie-died a shirt for Dave - aiming for a 1969 look for Bobstock.
Oh, and Ben found this chrysalis while trimming some of the long grass.  How lovely.

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