Saturday 16 April 2011

Flora & Fauna

Friday 25 March 2011

We had a full-on week in the boatyard, ploughing through the lists, trying to get as much done as we possibly could, and on Friday, we finished early and went up to see if all was ready for the big move the next day.

I’d given notice for April 1st, but it occurred to me that we should use the weekend before to get ourselves there, so as to have some time in hand for clearing out the apartment and making decisions about what to keep and what should go to the jumble or the bin.

The final straw for Dave was to come home mid-week to the apartment (which is now at the foot of a two-storey concrete build - that's our kitchen window on the left) and find spots of concrete splattered on the motorbike – horrors!  He was suddenly all in favour of getting out as soon as possible.

Even the boatyard is prettier than that:

And on the way up to the land on Friday, Dave spotted two of these in the grass verge at the side of the Corner of Doom – first time we’ve seen them alive (they are quite common road kill, poor things).  We think they’d just hatched.

(Photo's gone a bit strange - but not critical)

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