Saturday 16 April 2011

Our first Orchid

Wednesday  16-17 March 2011 

I did another full day’s sorting and packing at the apartment on Wednesday, while Dave with Rob’s help kept things going down at the yard.  We’d wanted to spend the night before his birthday at Goat Bottom, but it nearly didn’t happen, we were so tired.  But with a big effort, I went shopping, we stuffed inflatable mattress, sleeping bag and toothbrushes into the van and off we went.

On arrival, we were just sorting out the bed and the meal when Michael and Alison from the Winnebago came by.  This enabled us to open the wine and a couple of beers and listen to the kids sing an early ‘Happy Birthday’ to Dave.
The morning dawned bright and sunny, and my little plants looked very jolly in the sunshine. Happy Birthday to Dave.
Trish popped up to visit us.  As it was St Patrick’s day it was her name day, so we had some orange juice to celebrate.
While she was there I spotted a flower that had come up close to the steps on to the decking.  Not a convenient place.  It was a Mediterranean Bee Orchid, and very lovely.  It seems that this Orchid imitates bees with this round velvety lower lip which encourages them to visit it
Amanda came up a little later, so we had tea.  I got this photo just before she started pulling faces!


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