Saturday 27 June 2020

Taking to the Road

1 - 3 June 2020

Greece relaxed the lockdown rules a little on Monday 1 June, allowing campsites and all-year hotels to open, so we were good to go on our travels.  We didn't leave on the 1st, as rain was forecast until Wednesday, but we didn't want to start out too close to the weekend, so we decided to risk Wednesday's showers and leave that morning.
 While waiting, I rustled up a pink bag for the tent overflow packing: the groundsheet, pegs and a mallet.

 Our biggest concern was the new chickens.  They only had a few days to acclimatise to their new housing arrangements.  On Monday night we went in and rounded them up and put them one by one into the chicken house.  Tuesday morning they were cautious, but poked their heads out and eventually five came down the ladder on their own (we brushed the sixth one out with a broom). That evening, we were busy packing and planning, and forgot to go out to them until dusk, when we were overjoyed to find they'd put themselves to bed.  So that was one worry dealt with!

 We set off on Wednesday morning and had a lovely trip to Delphi, with no sign of rain - until we put the tent up!  Five minutes later it was pouring down!  We had the campsite to ourselves and the owner said go anywhere, so we picked a pitch for shade and easy electrics.  Then found it turned into a river in the rain.  The extra groundsheet turned out to have a design fault, as it collected water running down the sides and channelled it under the tent.  We had a water-bed effect during the worst of it.  

 We sat and watched the rain, after moving the electrics to safety and making tea, until it went off a bit.  While also finding out where the seams leaked.

 Dave checked us out, and tightened the guy ropes, then we put the bedding back into the car to keep dry and went in search of supper.

 We didn't want to go too far from the car in the rain, so we stopped at the first open souvlaki shop, much to their dismay, and asked to eat in.  They said we weren't allowed to, but we could sit on the pavement under an awning.  It was a fun meal, and there wasn't much traffic to splash us!

The kiosk across the road - I wouldn't have thought there was so much demand for gingerbread cake from England's north-east (Parkin). Hehe!

Back at the tent, it wasn't too damp and we had a warm and snug night.  And at least we know where the leaks are now.

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