Saturday 27 June 2020

Of Parents

13 - 17 June 2020

First the good thing: my Mum celebrated her 89th birthday by forming a 'pod' with my brother and his wife.  The best thing for your birthday is a long-delayed hug.

 Jonathan and Mum having birthday lunch in his conservatory.

Then the bad thing.  My father died at the end of May and his funeral was on the 17th of June.  We were unable to go, for Covid reasons, so I set up a solemn space in the studio, with candles and textiles and the decent dining chairs, where Dave and I could view the service on the iPad. I put one of Dad's paintings at the back, and a photo of him on my phone and then we followed it with multiple calls to the family.  I had sent a recorded reading in advance.  It wasn't quite like being there, but it sort of worked.

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