Tuesday 28 April 2020

Clearing a NW passage

28 April 2020

Another day of battling with brambles, clearing the north side of the shed, to reach the water tank we put in there many years ago.

 Dave goes in with the chainsaw

 My preference is for the hedge-trimmer.  Plenty of work for both.

 We reach the water tank.  The water it holds has never been used, as it keeps getting overgrown.  This time we intend to put up fence panels that will hold the wilderness back and let us capture rainfall here usefully.

 Enterprising brambles have reached down into the old sieve used as a filter, and sent roots into the water.

 Dave clears the high stuff while I rake out the cuttings.  Some can be chipped for paths, some, like brambles, would root from cuttings and will need to be composted where they can't reach the ground for some time before use.

 Dave succeeds in forging a north-west passage around the shed.

 After such a tiring morning, we spent the afternoon in the kitchen.  Mango & ginger chutney and pickled eggs by me ...

while Dave bottled his apple juice cider.

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