Sunday 28 October 2018

Living in glass houses

Monday 8 October 2018

Rowan and Jade came over after work, around quarter to five, and set to installing a second glass panel on the roof of the glasshouse. 

I have been thinking about a name for the 'glassed-in passive solar heating area' at the front of the house.  Officially, if it was built of cob, it would be a 'trombe wall' - named for the originator (I think), and referring to the thermal mass of the cob.  As we lost patience with not having walls, and completed this section in strawbale (we had just enough remaining bales to finish), there is no thermal mass at present, merely insulation, so the 'trombe' name is inappropriate.  The naming options include greenhouse/conservatory/glasshouse/outhouse/hot house, but none are entirely appropriate.  Then I recalled that the residents of chilly medieval manors would call their sunniest room the 'Solar', which I rather like.  We'll see if it sticks.

 Dave and I just stood back and watched in awe as the work progressed.  (I did, anyway - Dave usefully held the ladder)

 Rowan and Jade looked like mime artists, handling large glass panels barely visible against the sky

 They just kept going back for yet another one

 and eventually completed the fitting at quarter past six - much to Jade's horror, as she'd wanted to knock off after the second one went up!

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