Sunday 28 October 2018

Final doors!

1 - 3 October 2018

Plastering continues: Dave makes the mix, and keeps the buckets coming, while I slap it on the wall.  Mostly quite deep, so it takes some effort.  As this is the top and final coat, it also takes some finesse, getting good edges and mostly smooth coverage, so progress is slow - only one mix each plastering day.  Probably six plastering days needed, spaced out with a couple of non-plastering days, to save our backs/arms/lungs/skin from too much lime exposure and muscle damage.

 The first two days' panels.

 Then, unexpectedly, Rowan appears with the first two of our final three doors.  This is the one into the front door entry/battery room.

 And the pantry door, still in its frame, being tried for size.

 Naomi and Pete, on a flying visit from the UK, call in to inspect the works.

Day three, a good section of plastering done around the smaller window

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