Sunday 28 October 2018

Bedroom - making the first mix

Friday 28 September 2018

So, finally we're ready to start the plastering in the bedroom.  Dave was up early making the mix (with the dog's help!)

 Dave's sinuses aren't doing too well with all the exciting varieties of dust in our life, so at this rather late stage, he's started wearing a mask

 (Stop pointing that thing at me  - you're after my bit of rope, aren't you?)

 Meanwhile, when I unscrewed the temporary skirting boards, I found areas of unplastered straw, and some cavities within the wood frame that we agreed would be better if stuffed; so I raided the final bale, kept at some inconvenience for this very purpose, and got stuffing!

 Then the floor could be covered with old sheets.  Under the sheets, close to the wall, is a layer of thin polythene, as any plaster that flumps onto the wood floor is likely to stain unless cleaned immediately, which isn't practical.

 Ready to go - most of the masking done - quite an intricate job around the contours of the olive wood corners.  It is necessary to estimate where the plaster will come forward to, and tape to there.  Excess plaster that gets into the olive wood works into grooves and is difficult to scrape out.

 Outside, the chickens get to pick over the carcass of an unseasonal brussels sprout stalk.

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