Friday 31 August 2018

No matter how humble ...

28 August 2018

Home again from a whirlwind trip round northern England - we find ourselves easily fazed by the traffic in the UK these days - given that we find a drive to Lefkas town more than exciting enough for us! 

So, very nice to be back, even if the dog had gone completely manic while we were away, and the house had taken a lightning direct hit which had fried the internet and phone.  I had bought a new camera at the airport, since the last one wouldn't focus properly any more, and took a couple of photos to celebrate our return - and remind us for posterity just how dreadfully scruffy our living conditions are!

 View from the temporary home of the sofa towards the kitchen

 and towards the stairs.  
Not long now, we hope, until we have floors and furniture and curtains like normal people.

I forgot to take a photo of the enormous courgette we found in the garden on our return, before I cooked it, but this is it stuffed and roasted.  Very tasty.

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