Friday 31 August 2018

Half done boards and some ramblings

12 - 15 August 2018

We pressed on with the ceiling boards for the next couple of days, each space taking one morning, with extra time needed to cut the fiddly bit round the chimney (and then put in some trim to cover the mess we made of it!).  In our defence, the concrete of the chimney was rather lumpy, so we had to cut the board wide to fit over the lumps.

 The dog doing one of her increasingly infrequent sweet moments - the rest of the time she's got us run ragged, trying to teach her what she can and can't do.

 Yet another muslin flyscreen curtain, so we can work in the Music Room with the door open

 One of the few advantages (so far) of having the dog - I get to see some spectacular early mornings!

 A bowl of garden produce picked for supper

 Cutting the board round the chimney

... and the space where it fits.  Three spaces done, three to go.

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