Tuesday 26 June 2018

Stroll around the garden

21 June 2018

Midsummer's Day.  I thought I'd record the things growing, as a marker and reminder for next year.

 The bottom corner of the swale and berm terraced beds.  Dave planted various local species of tomatoes in the swale, and they are flourishing - perhaps because of the shade from the pear tree, perhaps because the woodchip-filled swale is holding water as hoped.

 Moringa trees on the lowest bed.  After a slow start, the rainy weather in June has set these going, they're about three feet / one metre tall now, since being planted out hand-high in April.

 Perhaps the best Moringa, middle bed, with the house in the background.

 The middle bed from the north, with the Goji berry bush in flower in the foreground.

 Dave's tomatoes from the other side.  Some are cherries, some middling and some huge plum toms.  Very tasty, the earliest ones.

 The blackberry bush, full of berries, surrounded by sprouting kale, which we're using as a salad crop, and some chard (the pale green) and alfalfa grass as a green manure.  We've had a few purple top turnips from this bed too.

 The lower hugel bed, planted with heritage seeds from the local seed-saver people.  The maize is doing extremely well, and there is a hidden melon growing among the courgettes.  In the background is a very unseasonal brussels sprout, one of two that are doing surprisingly well.

 Both fig trees are fruiting well this year for the first time.

 Some wild rocket that I'd flung down a couple months ago, encouraged to appear by the rains.

Our little 'English' garden: two baby Elderberry trees, and a mass of borage.

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