Saturday 30 June 2018

Beset with obstacles

26-30 June 2018

We were moving along with the ceiling at a reasonable pace, then everything became difficult.  Dave's vertigo was obviously a major stumbling block, but then the car seized up - water pouring out of the engine, so we limped it to the garage and it took a week to be enough fixed to get back on the road.  This was an issue because the paint ran out, after the first coat went on the boards for area 'F' and we only have enough insulation left for one more section.  However, this was less of a problem than it might have been, as Dave's son Rob with wife and baby have arrived, and the football World Cup is on, so there are distractions in plenty, and the obstacles might as well come now, therefore.  We have asked friends if they will come to help fit the prepared four areas next Friday, when we hope to be back on track.

 Boards for section F with one coat, and no paint left to do the second, and no car to get more with

 Long batons for sections F and G, drying outside.

 Look what we found on the dinghy, when Dave went to get it ready.  

 Dave with grandson in George's for a meal

Rob and Dave prepare to row across the bay to get the boat for a day's fishing with the lads

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