Tuesday 26 June 2018

Some close encounters

3 June 2018

We've seen a few snakes around recently - they come out to bask in the sun, but the cats usually chase them away.  Then we spotted a lovely pair of Balkan Lizards, about a foot long, and bright yellowy green.  They were basking on a coil of wire outside one of our windows, so I was able to get the camera.

 A breeding pair, we hope - great to have them around

 The female, I think.  She stopped to pose for this shot before disappearing

 Another day, I was clearing some ground (it had rained, so I could put on wellies and long trousers - in case of snakes!)  and this juvenile was exposed.  It hung around long enough for me to go indoors for the camera and to get Dave to come and see.  A nice little adder.

 Meanwhile, indoors, I was moving some stacked wood from against the wall, and this lady was revealed, over an inch long.  We collected her in a jam jar and put her outside.  We prefer not to share with the bigger spiders!

And, finally, our mascot, the preying mantis, has been showing up everywhere this year.  They are very good for the garden, so we're pleased to see so many.  This is a big one, and she's giving me the eye for poking the camera too close!

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