Tuesday 27 February 2018

Yoga road trip

24-26 February 2018

The opportunity to head off into the mountains for a yoga and meditation weekend came up, and we couldn't resist, so Dave and I packed our mats, and lots of woolly clothing, and set off with nine others for central Greece.

The location was the same hotel we'd been to for Rosa's singing workshop, almost a year ago, but it was all new for Dave.  The weather was rainy, with low cloud, so most of the time the fabulous views were obscured.  On Sunday we had an outing to a local waterfall:

 As we left the cars, and strung out along the walk to the falls, it was clear, if overcast ..

 ... but by the time we reached the bridge crossing the watercourse, low cloud had descended to envelop us ...  (in the mist: Marie-Do, Brenda, Lucy, Paris, Debbie, Jo (our teacher) and Pauline - probably)

 ... so we repaired to the coffee shop, which was miraculously open, for hot chocolate

 (Marie-Do, Brenda and Paris, walking up the hill while Dave drives the car through the slush)
Monday morning we were travelling back, and woke up to a winter wonderland.  Very pretty, quite impractical for travelling.  Despite the weather, it was a good workshop, nicely balanced, with plenty of stretching and breathing.  Very glad we went.

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