Tuesday 27 February 2018


17 Feb 2018

One of these comes round every year, and this one was made special by the sun coming out and the weather warming up.  It was especially special because Friday and Saturday were the first two days we've had sunshine since the new solar panels went operational.  The batteries started from a low 27%, and during two days of rain, crept no higher than 50%, but as soon as the sun came out, they raced up the scale to hit 100% over breakfast.  Dave was ecstatic.

Birthday breakfasts are a bit of a tradition for us, so Dave made smoked salmon and scrambled egg, and afterwards we took tea in the garden with the chickens, who were very glad to be in the sun again.  Lunch was salad, with mostly home-grown leaves, and Dave's home-made red cabbage sauerkraut.  All very special.

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