Monday 26 February 2018

Garden surprises

30-31 Feb 2018

We have a number of shoeboxes of seeds, variously bought or gifted to us over the years.  Most of them out of date.  So, rather than throw them away, we emptied all the packets into a salad bowl, mixed them up and flung them around on the prepared beds in the garden.  If they don't come up, we're no worse off, if they do, then they're better off than in a shoebox.

 Dave, emptying seed packets

 While clearing out a few grass clumps around the little hazel trees (below) which are set up against the oak hedge, I came across the things in the photo above: they looked like little bruised new potatoes, but one split apart and smelled of rich chocolate earthiness.  It is just possible they are truffles, which like to grow in oak/hazel woodland, but we weren't prepared to risk eating them, just in case.

 Dave at work, strimming

 Chickens at work, scrabbling

 Where Dave was strimming, after I'd cleared and manured around the judas tree and the blackberry and raspberry bushes.  No signs of life in the berry bushes yet, but it is still rather early.  I lashed rocket and kale seeds on the earth before covering with straw.  We decided it's best to put in our own ground cover rather than let the grasses re-establish themselves.

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