Sunday 28 January 2018

Waiting and snuffling

First week of January 2018

Struck down hard with the 'flu, very little happened during the first week of January.  The weather was miserable, and we used most of our efforts on getting enough wood in.

We were frustrated, too, waiting for the electrics to be fitted.  The weather made it impossible for the panels to be installed on the roof.  There were a few jobs we had to press on with, making wall holders for junction boxes, and other odd snaggy jobs.

 Dave makes a little plywood panel for a patch of wall that was never finished 'cos we couldn't decide what to do about lighting here.  But then we realised it would be part of the kitchen eventually, so we needed to put spotlights over the window - so now we could run the wires out and fit a panel there.

 Below, a structure made and fitted for a junction box in the pantry

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