Sunday 28 January 2018

Panels aloft!

Thursday 11 Jan 2018

Tomas the electrician was able to come on Tuesday this week, a gloriously sunny day - and he and his mate spent all day indoors, checking wire runs and setting up for the sockets and switches.  At the end of the day, Tomas said he'd be back on Friday, to install the panels.  We pointed out the weather forecast was for a downpour, so everything was left hanging again.

On Thursday morning, Tomas rang to ask if we had rain, as he had swapped his schedule around.  We didn't, so we decided to risk it.  The day held dry until just after lunch, and 14 of 15 panels were installed on the roof. 

The worst bit was that Dave and I had to pass the panels up to Tomas and Panos on the roof.  I found this difficult, they are big and unwieldy things, and fragile too.

 Handing up the panels, Dave and I lifting, Tomas and Panos reaching down to grab them.

 Getting on with the installation

 Fourteen panels fixed, then we find out why we had an extra two rails left over - the final panel needed an extra couple of centimetres of rail, so the last two had to go up.  Dave went on the roof to install them, and having started - removing tiles and screwing the mounts into the rafters - he couldn't finish until the roof was waterproofed again.  The drizzle started while he was up there.

 Meanwhile, Tomas and Panos were inside, warm and dry, seeing to the wiring.

Still on the roof - four o'clock and very damp.

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