Sunday 28 January 2018

Disentangling the old electrics

22 Jan 2018

This was a job in itself: now the second fix electrics are done, most of the sockets and light switches are working, so our extensive cat's cradle of extension leads could be dismantled. 

However, despite the joy of proper lights almost everywhere, (especially in the kitchen, hurrah!) we still do not have the big new solar system operational.  Tomas was all set to throw the switch, when he found that we didn't have the right connectors for the panel wires.  Serious frustration.  We had to order two sets, which take 24 hours, and wait for Tomas to be free again - at least another week.

 The heap of old extension leads, waiting to be sorted into working/safe and not working/not safe

An update on the funny little plywood panel over the side kitchen window.  The panel looks very neat, and the new spotlights very fancy.  Just need to cover up the wire, now.

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