Friday 30 December 2016

Much mulching

28-30 December 2016

Having tidied up the house for Christmas, we thought we'd spend the time before going to the UK in the garden, as the next internal job will be lathing and plastering again, and we know how much mess that makes!

So, out came the chomper, and I cut back some overgrown areas and dragged the cuttings to Dave, who fed them into the mulcher and then distributed the chompings onto the Moringa beds.

 Our little lemon tree, that gets swamped by the thicket behind it every couple of years.  I battled with brambles to cut back the turpentine tree immediately behind it

 Dave working the chomper on the decking outside the shed

Two days hard work and the Moringa and strawberry bed is fully, deeply mulched.  The Moringas may die if we have a hard frost, but hopefully the mulch will keep their roots warm.  We can only hope ...

 Several years ago, when we were living in the camper van and the cypresses kept growing too tall and overwhelming the decking, I used to cut them back and, for want of anything else to do with them, stacked all the offcut branches at the edge of our land.  Now we're mulching, I went to recover those branches as they are excellent for the mulch mix.  As I cleared them away, I found a wonderful, rich, almost-soil, not-quite-leafmould underneath ...

... and used it around the trees I thought needed it most.
I also trimmed some of the tall grasses that have grown up around the berry bushes, finding and clearing their watering circles, and adding munched up tree bark to keep the weeds down.
Nice to be spending time in the garden during these sunny days.

Unhappy day

29 December 2016

Sue rang us to say that her and Robbie's dog, Fruity, had died after being hit by a car. They were distraught and asked us if we had a corner of land where they could bury her.  Of course we said yes, and they came up.  We dug a grave and buried her, then shared a bottle of wine together.

Silly Hats

25 December 2016

Everyone was invited for noon, and to bring something to eat.  Dave and I roasted a chicken and lots of exotic veg: like parsnips and sprouts (very exotic for here - the Greeks were amazed and amused by being served cattle food!).  Everyone was also asked to bring or make on arrival a home-made party hat ...

People arriving and settling in
 Rosa and her Mum, Jane in newly made hats
 Dmitri in his hat
 Let the feasting commence!
After the meal, I set the camera on 10 sec time lapse, and we posed for hat shots, trying to swap hats between frames ...

 Then the musicians took over, although I did get a chance to have a go at my choir carols, and so did Jane, doing our bit for the musical evening.  Even Robbie remembered some of the words to his smutty songs to entertain us!

Christmas Eve

24 December 2016

We weren't planning to go out, but our friend was celebrating her 60th on Christmas Eve, so what can you do?  We spent Friday and Saturday cleaning up the living room, which meant sorting out upstairs so everything could be put away neatly, and arranging the living room for at least 10 guests.

 Dave went out and selected a small cypress that he'd been saving for Christmas, and we decorated it.  I set the table for ten.

 Dave arranged the music corner, and we found ten comfy chairs around the place

 Then off to the yacht club, for Gill's birthday party

 Where Robbie and Sue were modelling the Christmas hats they'd made for our party

 and I tried on Robbie's hat (which is a chimney with Santa climbing out of it)

 Even yacht club Ruiari had a smile on his face, which you don't see every day!

In lieu of drinking too much, Sue and I stomped our stuff on the dance floor

and so did Robbie

Solstice Morning

21 December 2016

So this year we decided to take a lot of notice of the solstice.  We were up at dawn to watch the sun rise.

 The winter solstice sun as seen from our house rises exactly in this tiny notch in the hillside

 The strawberry plant gave us a gift for the day (to our suprise)

 Lots of lovely people came to sit in the field and drum, rattle and roll to celebrate the turning of the year.  From left: Panos, Dmitris, Liana, Kate, Vangelis, Nanda, Jacqueline, Dave (with Mafia) and Lucy.  Ten of us in all: four Greek, two Dutch, four British.  A very nice group and a fabulous warm sunny day

 Musicians' congress

 Some quickly rustled up snacks and tea.  Nanda (centre) was extremely pregnant, and gave birth next day to a baby girl.

 Later that day, chilling out with peanut butter and crackers.  Camera on auto, left me in shadow, so Dave took a proper photo (below)

At the end of a lovely day, solstice sunset

In Celebration of Mike

19 December 2016

We lost Mike, husband of Tree, a good friend, quite suddenly a few days ago.  The funeral was very busy, and well supported by the villagers of Vournikas, where they live.  Mike and Tree helped us bring the trailer onto the land on the day we moved to Goat Bottom, as they had a Land Rover with a towbar. 

Mike has always been a strong supporter of Dave and his music, although with a tendency to fall asleep if the gig went on very late.  He loved this photo of Rob and Vinnie playing round him as he slept, with Tree just visible laughing in the background.


Somebody decided to take a picture of us, all scrubbed up in the village shop/cafe after the service