Tuesday 31 March 2015

Pimping the Party Room

Tuesday 17 March 2015

After a special birthday breakfast - Dave likes steak and eggs once a year - we made the last minute preps.  Dave and Rob went out for charcoal (taking several hours and having a couple of beers) while I hung the hand-made cotton bunting made for us by Jade, and drawing up signs to guide people across the field.  We had got permission from Stelios who owns the next door field, to use it as a car park and footpath - which was very good of him.

At 5ish the musicians arrived, and helpfully sat around drinking beers.  

While Dave and Rob recreated the iconic photo from Bobstock in '11 - four years on, and not looking much older, although where they were sitting is now inside the party room!

 17 March 2015

8 April 2011

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