Tuesday 31 March 2015

Bathroom Door

10-11 March 2015

Rowan gave us a call, so we collected the door and frame, and in it went.  Two evenings after his other work and we have a fitted, lockable bathroom door.  What luxury!

While building the bathroom wall, we remembered that the electrician had said we must call him when we had built the wall so that he could put the first fix electrics in.  He came and sorted out the junction box and fed wires to the light switch.  While there, he also cleaned up some of the music room junction boxes.  On a whim, I asked him if it would be possible to wire the house up room by room as we completed them - not expecting this to be likely, but he said that would be fine, and is the way most Greek houses get done anyway!  So we can go in search of light fittings for the music room and bathroom, and those two rooms will be wired up with sockets and lights as relevant, and we will have the joy of flicking a switch by the door for lights, rather than groping around for extension lead switches.  Also, it means that the not inconsiderable cost of light fittings can be spread over however long it takes us to get each room ready.

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