Monday 27 October 2014

Starting the inner walls

Weds/Thurs 8/9 Oct 2014

Now the outside bale walls are finally finished, the interior can be focused on.  We are keen to get the music room fully plastered, and a stove installed, before the winter arrives.  So we have two parallel objectives - build and plaster the walls to the music room, and get the East face ready for baling.

We still had Nisos turnaround work on Sunday, and we'd been called in to move boats due to bad weather on Friday.  Then Sunday came with all sorts of storm warnings, and we were called out at 1.30 am for two hours in the rain and dark, moving boats off the quay.  Two hours sleep, then we were back at work, for what turned out to be a 12 hour stretch each.  The good thing was that we earned enough to keep Paris on the payroll for quite a while. 

After sleeping all day Monday, and sitting out the rain on Tuesday, we were all back in action on Wednesday through Thursday, getting that plaster splattered.

 First coat - lime plaster applied by hand (in rubber gloves) and massaged into the bale surface.  This is the crucial insect, vermin and fire-repellent coating.  
 Paris getting stuck in - learning a new technique

 Rowan came by and fixed this orange-painted block onto the concrete foundation for the supporting pillar to the right of the kitchen door.

 Wednesday night - apparently a 'blood' moon - very close to the earth and looking much bigger than in this photo.

Thursday, work progressing.  All three of us variously massaging the walls - as I remarked to Paris, by the time we're done, every inch of this house will have been lovingly stroked!

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