Friday 31 October 2014

Lathing fit to bust

Tues 28 October 2014

With everything set to go for the East bale wall, we're just waiting for a three to four day break in the weather.  We have overcast days with potential drizzle forecast until Friday, so we are waiting till the weekend for the Bale Raising (the day we invite everyone who's ever expressed an interest in bale wall building to come and see what we do and perhaps get involved).

Meanwhile, we're trying to finish the interior walls in the music room.  As soon as we have a new bale wall all the focus will be on getting external plaster onto it, and we'll need the scaffolding tower outside.  So all the high level stuff in the music room is being prioritised, with Paris, Dave and I variously lathing, stuffing and skimming all the remaining sections.

 This creature showed up on one of the laths, looking very aggressive about being disturbed

 Dave took the time to use some old breeze blocks to build up the floor level under where the stove will go.  Firebricks on top of this should bring the hearth just a little proud of the floor.

 The internal wall of the music room, over the door.  The highest wall in the room - all to be lath and plastered.  About half done at this point.

 At lunchtime Tuesday, we ran out of sand, and as it is 'Ochi' Day (the day the Greeks said 'No' to the Fascists in WWII) it is a major national holiday and everywhere is shut.

 So we turned our attention to cladding an exposed bit of the front of the house near the front door with sailcloth, as the polythene is starting to disintegrate ...

... and then went for a walk, during which we found this incredible olive tree with a three metre diameter trunk!

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