Friday 29 August 2014


23 - 24 August 2014

Something spurred us into a new burst of activity, so we got the varnish out and put a few more coats on the plywood work surfaces in the kitchen over a couple of days.  I want to start tiling to protect the plasterboard and make it easier to keep clean.

Dave, meanwhile, has his own troubles.  At a rehearsal on Tues 19th, Mark and Geoff were saying how they'd like a guest guitarist to do the fancy bits in a couple of numbers at the regatta.  This felt disloyal, and Dave was hurt, so he has stepped down from Steamboat Rooster to let them have the guitarist they want.  In many ways he is happier, playing music he enjoys, but he does miss being in a band.  Hopefully the universe will quickly send him another one.

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