Friday 29 August 2014

A tiny-mini-break

Monday 25 August 2014

We were invited to a pool-and-barbeque party by Mad Robbie and Sue, at a villa they look after and had permission to party at.  It is up the hill behind us, in the village of Neohori, which is all precipitous windy roads, so we took an overnight bag.

 Fabulous view, with the islands all spread out and the mainland mountains turning pink in the reflected sunset.

 Here's us, after a romp in the pool playing cheating volleyball and waiting for the barbeque to fire up

 We found a tiny baby scorpion in our bath - anyone who doesn't like spiders, take note!

Next morning, we were up early, had another swim, then walked up the track behind the villa, finding this little church nestled in the hillside.

Funnily enough, this little evening/morning out felt like a real, if short, holiday.

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