Sunday 29 June 2014

Sailing interlude

Week 2 - 7 June 2014

As planned, we spent the first few days working on the boat, fixing whatever we could on a shoestring, up to the point where we needed two new batteries and pretty well ran out of money for the month!

To our surprise, some friends of Dave's were out for a week charter on a Nisos yacht, so on Thursday we packed up our tools and took the boat out to join them in Fiscardo.  Set off still fixing and sorting the boat for sea, and remembered to do everything (we thought) until we'd passed the end of the Meganissey channel and were in quite a swell and 20-odd knots of wind - this was when we realised we'd forgotten to put the bimini (suncover) up over the back of the boat.  A bit of an uncomfortable 3 hour crossing - too choppy to try to fix it, so we just had to fry.  We were lucky to escape with only minor crisping, but a great sail nonetheless.

Next morning we fixed up the bimini and had a fabulous sail on one long tack from Fisk to Sivota, perfect 17 knot winds.  Home on Saturday ready for work on Sunday.

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