Saturday 31 May 2014

Pantry walls

29 - 30 May 2014

Two days of woodwork, putting up the framework for the interior wall between the kitchen and the pantry, and starting on the lathing, which isn't shown here.  The dining table is in the pantry, to be our temporary eating area - this is because it can be insect-netted as a 'no fly zone'.  What luxury, a smooth and level floor, shelves to put things on, and no flies!

Next week we're going to get some work done on the poor neglected boat.  We can't leave it much later or we'll fry while we're doing it.  So the kitchen sink is put back another week.  Sigh!

I've been doing a bit of painting - I came across a photo on the internet of a 106 year old Armenian woman protecting her home and she was so grim and determined that I felt she should have some fresh growing things around her as a counterpoint to what her life must have been like.  It came out like this:

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