Thursday 29 May 2014

Terrracotta tiles, hurrah!

Saturday 3 May 2014

Hangover notwithstanding, we were up early, ready for Neil at 9am, with the mixer mixing, and the tiles in their boxes stacked up raring to go.  Actually, Dave was all ready, and I was drifting around zombie-like trying to look helpful while not, in fact, doing anything.

Neil was laying tiles like there was no tomorrow, and we were onto the second mix in no time.  Then Dave got a call from his brother asking him to help move a boat, and suddenly I was all on my own.  Not recommended with a hangover, loading buckets of sand into the mixer.  I kept getting distracted and forgetting how many I'd done.  Still, Neil kept a wicked pace going, so there were no options.  Eventually, I started to wonder what was keeping Dave, when I got a call - he was 'just having a beer with Pete ...'  I explained calmly and reasonably why this was not a good thing under the circumstances...!

No time for photos as the work progressed.  I only remembered the camera at the end of the day, after Neil had left.  Here's the finished job, only the grouting left to do.

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