Wednesday 30 April 2014

Wine Tasting

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Apart from a day of rest on Sunday, we've kept on working.  Dave is feeling a little better, finally starting to perk up a bit, and I've kept at wall construction around the kitchen.  But on Monday I got a call from Jessica, asking if we would - as a favour - take part in a wine tasting for some Danish friends of theirs who are opening a wine bar on the sea front.  Well, what can you do, if a friend needs your help ...?

We were asked to taste a range of 15 wines: 8 white, 2 rose and 5 red, and make notes about which we liked and why.  It turned into rather a marathon, especially since we started around noon, and I hadn't had a big breakfast, but undoubtedly good fun - we all got a bit giggly by the end!

Later that same day, we had a birthday party to go to: Trish at 50 - the band should have been playing, but a draconian new law about live music in bars has terrified all the bar owners and cancelled the gig. 

 At the end of a happy, boozy day - slumped on the sofa at the Yacht Club.

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