Wednesday 30 April 2014

Last chance

Weds 30 April 2014

We had seen Neil earlier in the week and he asked if we could push back the floor laying until Saturday.  Well, that suited me, as I still had lots of walls to build, so we agreed.  Three work days till Saturday, so no time for hangovers ...

 Dave finished up the scaffolding, then used some leftover plaster to do this panel on the stairs, not high priority, but lovely to have it done as we see it from our tea-break chairs.

 I scrabbled around everywhere to find enough plywood to fit panels under the stairs.  After using up one of my drawing boards I was still stuck and decided to use this not-quite-right painting of driftwood to finish up.  These panels are insulated too - the idea is to keep any heat in the house out of the pantry.

Here's Dave's panel, all cleaned up and looking very smart

The walls beside the door are almost but not quite finished

Sections to the right finally insulated and finished, even the fiddly little ones.  The plaster looks lovely when it's done - very Tudor half-timbered.  The finish isn't particularly smooth, and doesn't need to be.  I like to think it's 'got character'!  I bought a tin of paint that claims to be 'eco' (EU certified, so I hope it is accurate), trying to get a colour exactly like the lime plaster - not successfully.  But it brightens up the plywood panels.

And the last sections to be lathed are all done, complete with insulation and wiring for lights and sockets sorted out on the other side.  This bit to plaster tomorrow.

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