Monday 28 April 2014

Odd Jobs

Tuesday 25 March 2014

We go to the UK in a week, so we're reluctant to start any major projects, time to sweep up all those odd jobs that've been neglected.  One day was spent getting the car MOT'd - but can't complain, it was an impressively slick operation compared to previous years.  Bureaucracy here is slipping into the 21st century almost without trying. 

On Tuesday we finally got round to treating the exposed rafters, before they rot away and fall off.  This is eventually going to be the roof of the 'trombe wall' (passive solar heating area) and has discoloured through weather exposure.  Not a difficult job, just one we needed to shift the focus to.

Leaving Dave up the scaffolding, I got on with some more wall filling.  We've decided these two spaces over the stairs will be panelled with tongue and groove, and I managed to find enough scraps from the mezzanine floorboarding to fill in the one on the right.

Here it is from the other side, finished.

Meanwhile, Dave has come down from the roof and is sponging the limecrete slab to roughen the surface for tiling and to fill the few hairline cracks.  This may be the only ever shot of Dave on his knees scrubbing the kitchen floor!  (One more time than me, I expect!)

On the rainy days, I've been painting.  Art party set a theme of 'leaves' so I did this painting of a rainforest.  It is the only painting I've done that actually feels finished, so that's a bonus.

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